2025 Focus Goal: A Social Awareness that Impels to Action
Centred in God, your response will be to act in justice and love. Genuine love always takes the form of service. In a world plagued by injustice, torn by violence and fear, you must stand by the most wounded and needy. At a school of the Sacred Heart, you will learn to take little steps and big steps in order to set God's kingdom right. Your studies will help you to attain knowledge about social and moral issues. But knowledge of injustices is not enough. You will be given opportunities to reach out directly to the needy - collecting food for the hungry, working with the elderly, tutoring the young, comforting the sick. Be grateful for all - the Year 13 Leaders, the staff, your classmates, your teachers. Be thankful and show your gratitude by being attentive to all with whom you share life daily. Let God speak to you in people and in events. What is important is that you are a "child of the Sacred Heart" and will always thus be known by God. This name reminds you that you are a part of a network of schools and are bound to Sacred Heart students on all continents.
Baradene College was founded in 1909 by the Society of the Sacred Heart, with a legacy of Sacred Heart principles and goals. The process of educating a child of the Sacred Heart is guided by the five Goals. One of the five goals is chosen each year for the College to focus on.
Coming to a Sacred Heart school, you have entered into a family and have come to a home. Jesus often used the image of home. "Make your home in me", he told his followers, "as I make mine in you". By coming to a school of the Sacred Heart you have become part of a family. Accept with gratitude all those in your school community. From them and with them, you can learn what love is. Through giving and receiving, you will foster the caring atmosphere that permeates your Sacred Heart home.
In faith you will recognise God in your life - your joys, your sorrows, your struggles, your decisions, and your choices. With faith you will be convinced that the meaning of your life and of our world is most fully given in the person of Jesus. Through faith you will communicate hope and confidence, for you know that nothing can separate you from God's love. There are special days at Baradene on which you will celebrate the mystery of God's goodness. Eucharistic liturgies commemorate the great love of our God who became a human being and lived among us. The symbol of this love which is openness, invitation, and unlimited space for others, is the Heart of Christ. You will discover ways to pray through a variety of prayer experiences. You will learn to listen to the Word of God spoken in your life and through the ideals of your education, and thus be led to "walk humbly with your God".
Centred in God, your response will be to act in justice and love. Genuine love always takes the form of service. In a world plagued by injustice, torn by violence and fear, you must stand by the most wounded and needy. At a school of the Sacred Heart, you will learn to take little steps and big steps in order to set God's kingdom right. Your studies will help you to attain knowledge about social and moral issues. But knowledge of injustices is not enough. You will be given opportunities to reach out directly to the needy - collecting food for the hungry, working with the elderly, tutoring the young, comforting the sick. Be grateful for all - the Year 13 Leaders, the staff, your classmates, your teachers. Be thankful and show your gratitude by being attentive to all with whom you share life daily. Let God speak to you in people and in events. What is important is that you are a "child of the Sacred Heart" and will always thus be known by God. This name reminds you that you are a part of a network of schools and are bound to Sacred Heart students on all continents.
Helped by adults and peers to be truthful and honest with yourself, you will grow in self-confidence by dealing realistically with your gifts and limitations. Not all are leaders, not all are athletes, not all are artists. Do not grieve what talents God did not give you, but recognise and rejoice in the worth of others. Discover your particular gifts and develop your unique potential. If you are sensitive to people, care for them. If you are a scholar, share your love of learning. If you can create with your hands, give the world beauty. When you find humour and laughter in your life, give others your joy. "The gift you have received, give as a gift".The intention of Sacred Heart education is to address the whole person. You come as you are and are cared for with great love. The hope is to implant in you a sacred love for yourself, to challenge you to be more honest, to lead you along the road of integrity. Through growth in self-discipline, you will learn how to accept the consequences of your choices and actions. At times you will have to refuse yourself what you like; at other times you have to act independently of what others think or say of you; in all your actions free to live face to face with yourself under the eyes of God.
Great emphasis is placed upon your capability for critical thinking and reasoning. Recognising the distinction between what you do and why you do it is an essential element in your education. You will grow in your appreciation of various modes of thought and ways of thinking. Your imagination and creativity will be stretched, because without these, you cannot become a well-informed, thinking, sensitive person. Your learning takes place not only in the classroom, but also in all your relationships and all your experiences.