Baradene offers a comprehensive curriculum based on the objectives of the New Zealand National Curriculum which encourages students to be capable, self-assured and self-directed life-long learners.  The emphasis is on providing effective teaching and learning programmes to meet individual needs.  There is a focus on gathering effective data to show where the student is in her learning, identifying the next steps she needs to take and facilitating her achievement.

The Curriculum is organised around ten Key Learning Areas with cross-curricula integration planned within the classroom through integrated units with the focus on inquiry learning.  Engaging students in the learning process is the heart of teaching.  Teachers seek to foster active, interactive and deep learning approaches so that learners can interact meaningfully within the world in which they live.

At Year 7 and 8, the students study 12 core subjects including two languages, music, dance and drama. 

In Year 9, 10 and 11, the students are able to choose from a range of options allowing them to build on their strengths with a view to further study at NCEA level.

NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) is the national qualification for senior secondary school students in New Zealand. The College continues to be very pleased with the performance of our girls at all three NCEA Levels; their results have consistently placed Baradene College as one of the top performing schools in the country. To view the Curriculum Document and NCEA Handbook, please click on the links below.

Year 11 Baradene Certificate Student Assessment Handbook  2024 Level 2 and 3 NCEA Student Handbook

Academic Pathways  Subject Selection Dashboard  Subjects by Faculties

Careers Evening 


At each Level of the qualification (Level 2 and Level 3), students are assessed on the learning attained in their selection of subjects.



Individual NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) subjects are subdivided into Achievement Standards.  Each achievement standard will be assessed either internally, within the school year, or externally in the NCEA national examinations at the end of the year.  Each achievement standard earns credits which contribute to a Level 2 or 3 NCEA qualification.

Year 10 - Literacy and numeracy corequisites each worth 10 credits

Year 11 - Baradene internal assessments will run throughout the year and Baradene examinations will be held mid-year and at the end of year

Level 2 NCEA - 60 credits at Level 2 plus 20 credits at any other level

Level 3 NCEA - 60 credits at Level 3 plus 20 credits at Level 2 or above

There are four different levels of assessed results for Achievement Standards:
Not Achieved (N or NA)
Achieved (A)
Merit (M)
Excellence (E)

Students who have been successful receive NCEA certificates at the end of each year of study (Level 2 and Level 3). These certificates show that a student has achieved the required number of credits at a particular level. 



To encourage students to do their best, those who gain 50 credits at Merit or above qualify for overall endorsement with Merit.  Conversely, those students who gain 50 or more credits at Excellence qualify for overall endorsement with Excellence. This will be recognised on their certificates.



Course endorsement provides more detail of a student’s overall performance and provides recognition for students who perform exceptionally well in a course. To attain a course endorsement, a student will need to achieve:

• 14 or more credits at Merit and Excellence
• At least 3 credits from externally assessed standards and 3 credits from internally assessed standards
• Sufficient credits in a single school year



Currently, the minimum standard for entrance to degree courses is: NCEA Level 3 (60 credits plus 20 credits at Level 2 or higher) AND 14 credits in at least 3 University-approved subjects.  All credits must be gained from achievement standards.

Please click on the button below to visit the NZQA website

NZQA Website


Director of Teaching and Learning
T: 524 6019 x 705