Fundraising during FOSH will be online again this year!
We are asking for online donations to participate in La Fete activities rather than ticket sales.
Ice creams and raffle tickets can be bought on the day.
All money raised will go to the SHIFT Foundation to continue their important work.
Sacred Heart Institute for Transformative Education (SHIFT)
Northern Samar, Philippines
Baradene College sends the proceeds raised from the Feast of the Sacred Heart celebrations to Sister Lydia rscJ at SHIFT, supporting the work of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Northern Samar.
The Sisters of the Sacred Heart have been working in North Samar since 1986. Sr. Lydia Collado, rscJ is the Executive Director of the Sacred Heart Institute for Transformative Education (SHIFT). This initiative based in Northern Samar, Philippines is a vital outreach to many individuals and families through child and youth development programmes, self-sustainability development programmes and working with many Government and non-government organisations in support of those struggling economically and socially.
Since Covid-19 became a reality, Sister Lydia and the SHIFT community have been focussed on Sophie’s Farm, an initiative that grows crops for food, hosts training seminars for Animal Health and Management and demonstrates productive farming techniques. This work is designed to build the capability of the local people to provide for themselves and to create surplus for sale.
Their community also supports young people with the practicalities of getting to school and having food for the day.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the great work that SHIFT are involved in.