Why Study in Auckland?
Please click below for the Baradene International Booklets:
Chinese English German Japanese Korean Vietnamese
- The College is situated in Remuera, with picturesque views of the Auckland harbour and city. It has a beautiful natural environment and attractive facilities. The College is well served with bus and train links to all areas of the city.
- The College offers educational excellence in the tradition of the Society of the Sacred Heart with over 1400 students aged 11 to 18 years. Baradene Certificate is offered to Year 11 students and NCEA Levels 2 and 3 plus scholarship are offered to students in Year 12 and 13.
- International students receive tuition from a highly qualified ESOL teacher in a well-resourced learning environment. We offer individual attention to students.
- Students are helped to adjust to life in New Zealand, and to prepare for tertiary courses.
- The care of our students is a priority and we have a good pastoral care system in place for our students. A Dean of International Students is available to see to the needs of students while they are at school to ensure your daughters are in a safe learning environment.
- Homestay arrangements can be made by the school. We employ a Homestay co-ordinator who provides care and support to all International students with their homestay families.
- A caring atmosphere is offered, including care for your daughter’s religious and spiritual needs.
- Our students make lifelong friendships with members of our school community and a Kiwi Sister Programme ensures that there are many opportunities to interact with New Zealand students at the College. New Zealand students apply to become a Kiwi Sister and are then carefully selected to take on a support role for her International student.
- Our students can choose from a wide range of sporting opportunities such as netball, tennis, hockey, cricket, rowing, swimming, archery, badminton, gymnastics, table-tennis, volleyball, football, dragon-boating, aerobics, waterpolo and many more (full details can be found on the sports pages).
- Cultural opportunities include orchestra, choir, performing arts and social services.