Keeping up to date records of our alumnae through name and address changes is a huge task and we need your assistance! Baradene is performing very well, not only academically but across the spectrum of music, sport and culture and we want you to remain connected to our vibrant community. If we have your up to date contact details we can keep you informed about the school’s progress and alumnae news, invite you to special celebrations and events and send you the link to Baradene Heart magazine.
If this is your first time reconnecting with Baradene as an alumna, please connect with us via our online alumnae platform Baradene Connect.
If you are an Erskine or Cottesmore alumna, we welcome you to register also!
If you are already registered on Baradene Connect, you can easily update your contact details through your account.
Please click HERE to register or update your details on Baradene Connect
If you are not a member of Baradene Connect or do not wish to register as one, you can update your details using our online form:
Please click HERE to update your details using our online form
There are only a few compulsory questions which are marked with a red asterisk * the remaining questions are optional. However, we would be grateful if you could provide us with as much information as possible. We have included an optional Date of Birth question as that information will assist us to group you with your classmates and also differentiate you from other alumnae with the same or similar names. Please take the time to complete the form even if you believe we have your up to date details so we can confirm the information we have is correct.
Please spread the word and forward this email to any other alumnae you are in contact with and ask them to use the online form to update their details.
We have included answers to FAQs below. If you have any other questions, or would prefer to provide this information by telephone, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your assistance with updating our alumnae records.
Privacy Act Information
What will the information be used for?
Updating the database records of Baradene College of the Sacred Heart and Baradene Alumnae Association.
What is the purpose of collecting the information?
So we can communicate with you and keep you connected to the school. We will send you the digital link to Baradene Heart magazine and keep you updated with the school’s progress, alumnae news and invite you to special celebrations and events.
Who will have access to the information?
Baradene College of the Sacred Heart, Baradene College Limited, Baradene College Foundation (known as Growing Heart) and Baradene Alumnae Association. The information will not be disclosed to any outside source.
Where will the information be held?
At Baradene College of the Sacred Heart, 237 Victoria Ave, Remuera, Auckland.
Rights of access and correction
Under the Privacy Act 2020 you have the right to access and correct your personal information.
Other Information
Where can I find current information about Baradene?
Please visit the school website for all the latest news and information:
Baradene also has a number of social media pages which you can view here:
What is Baradene Heart Magazine?
Baradene Heart magazine is published twice a year and contains school and alumnae news.
You can view copies online at
What is Growing Heart?
Baradene has established the Baradene College Foundation (known as Growing Heart) to raise funds for student scholarships and support, staff support, to assist with building projects and to ensure we retain our special character. If you are interested in learning more about Growing Heart, please visit
Other questions
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact Sylvanna Andzakovic at [email protected] or by telephone 09 524 6019 ext 865