Baradene has a 1st XI team which plays in the Premier Auckland Secondary School competition and trains once a week throughout the season.
Year 7/8's play in the Auckland Secondary School competition in a grade suited to their ability.
There is a Year 9/10 College Sport Auckland competition in Term 4 which we enter, numbers permitted.

Year Levels:Years 7-13 (Years 7 & 8 are also permitted to play in the 1st XI if not enough players)
Competition Days/Terms:Years 9-13: Wednesday’s Term 1
Year 9 & 10: Wednesday's Term 1&4
Years 7 & 8: Wednesday’s Term 1&4
Venue:Various venues around Auckland
Cost:Year 9-13 – $185
Years 7 & 8 – $80
Uniform:Years 9-13 - Baradene issued top and pants
Years 7/8 - Baradene PE top and black cricket pants
Travelling to and from events in School Tracksuit wearing sports shoes.
Staff in Charge:Jacqui Foote